About European Solidarity Corps
The European Solidarity Corps is an EU funding programme for young people wishing to engage in solidarity activities in a variety of areas. These range from helping the disadvantaged to humanitarian aid, as well as contributing to health and environmental action across the EU and beyond. If you want to volunteer abroad without paying any fee, then you have to search for volunteering program abroad.
About the "Emigration Museum in Gdynia"
The Emigration Museum in Gdynia is a historical museum, which presents 200 years of Polish emigration, from the 19th century to the present day. It is located in the former Maritime Station, from which thousands of Polish emigrants left for their new homelands. The core of the museum is an interactive exhibition which focuses on different types of migrations (immigration, emigration, internal migrations). One of the main principles behind the museum's permanent display is combining the history of migrations with current social issues and migration flows.
About "ESC Activity in the Emigration Museum"
The Emigration Museum in Gydina would like to invite 15 volunteers to help them during a project under the title “Agathe’s Ark” , created for the Emigration Museum in Gdynia by Stefanie Oberhoff, a German puppeteer, stage designer and director, in collaboration with artists from Poland, Germany and Australia. The main idea behind the project is to engage the residents of Gdynia, with a particular focus on immigrants and refugees, in a series of performances, workshops as well as theatrical and musical activities.
The project will begin with a 2-week long large-scale puppet making workshop, costumes and set design. Gdynia’s residents, especially people with migration background, will be invited to participate in the series of workshops led by the artists with help of an international team of volunteers. Participation in the workshops will be free and open to all ages, no special skills or previous experience will be required. The next stage of the project will focus on public space interventions in the Tri-City. The puppets created during the workshops will go out of the Museum to interact with residents. They may visit train stations and take a ride by city train, conduct workshops for children in one of local community centres, take a walk through the streets of Gdynia, Sopot and GdaÅ„sk etc.
Volunteer's Role & Tasks
By taking part in the project, volunteers will contribute to the process undertaken by the Museum in order to achieve two main goals:
1) to initiate a discussion on the problem of migration in the contemporary Europe and the change of Poland’s status from an emigration country to a host society, through a series of engaging performative and artistic activities in the public space and at the Marine Station in Gdynia,
2) to initiate activities that integrate Gdynia residents with immigrants and refugees, and to strengthen the local community by inviting long-time residents of Gdynia as well as newcomers to a creative collaboration process and dialogue.
- Assistance in the implementation of workshops – preparation of materials and tools, venues etc., assisting the leaders and participants during the workshops.
- Active participation in building puppets and making costumes.
- Working on performance ideas and scripts with leadingartists and people experiencing migration.
- Support in contact with local migrants' community, Assistance in promoting events (in collaboration with Museum’s PR department).
- Documenting the project (suggesting ideas for creative documentation, taking photos, videos and editing them).
- Active participation in the events during the project - participation in workshops, artistic interventions, final performance, navigating puppets.
Working Time
You will work 5 days per week (around 35 hours per week) including training days, evaluation, meetings in the coordinating organization office. Also, you will have 2 days of holiday during your stay in Gdynia. All the volunteers must use them at the same time according to the schedule.
Finance and Benefits
The project is fully covered by European Solidarity Corps program and includes:
- The accommodation will be in shared flats in Gdynia.
- You will get 3,5 EUR per day converted into PLN (Polish currency)
-You will get 5 Euro per day converted into PLN of pocket money which is devoted for your own expenses.
- You will be provided with a monthly ticket so you can freely travel around Gdynia.
- Travel expenses from your home country to project venue will be reimbursed after participation in the project according to the distance between your travelling place to the volunteering venue as follows:
- for travel distance between 0 and 99 km: 23 EUR / person.
- for travel distance between 100 and 499 km: 180 EUR / person, +30 EUR extra for Green travel.
- for travel distance between 500 and 1999 km: 275 EUR / person, +45 EUR extra for Green travel.
- for travel distance between 2000 and 2999 km: 360 EUR / person, +50 EUR extra for Green travel.
- IMPORTANT: keep all your travel documents! Online boarding passes and tickets for reimbursements. No documents = no reimbursement!
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Email: info@opportunit4u.com