Youth Exchange: Running in Northern Ireland for 9 days (funded)

If you are passionate about running, swimming and walking, we invite you to apply for Youth Exchange - Emphatic step 2 - Running in Northern Ireland. It will be organised by in cooperation with Erasmus plus for 9 days. Number of participants is 35.

Youth Exchange: Running in Northern Ireland for 9 days (funded)

About Empathic step 2 

Empathic Step is a 3-phased empathy developing project to step in variety of different shoes through our KING methodology: Knowledge, Involvement, Nature, Growth. In Empathic 2, invite you to literally step in the shoes of other people and “SWIM” (indirectly) in Isle of Wight, RUN in Northern Ireland and HIKE in Iceland, imagining nowadays realities, whereas a lot of refugees had to swim, walk or run over mountains, cross the sea and borders to reach peace in Europe.

You will spend six nights in the Bushmills Youth Hostel and three nights in Belfast Youth Hostel, In the first location you will run each day in the wilderness of North Coast of Northern Ireland and remaining 2 days you will spend in Belfast, where you will participate in the vibrant Belfast life.

Experience gained

- You will attend Dynamic workshops and presentations.

- Intercultural sharing, learning and reflections.

- Experiential mastering with running, trekking and sports.

- Being aware about the environment and its stimulus to brains,intellectual and bodily condition.

Learning to play, playing to learn” – connected with learning through games, from actions and playful environment


- Free accommodation, food and program materials are covered by Erasmus+

- there is no fee for application or the youth exchange.

- 80% travelling cost are covered.

- The maximum travelling expenses are up to

180 euro / Participant from UK

275 euro / Participant from Lithuania, Spain, Italy

360 euro / Participant from Greece

530 euro / Participant from Turkey

Attention: It is obligatory to bring all your tickets and invoices, boarding passes and receipts (originals). Without these documents, travelling charges can't be reimbursed. 


- Participants is youth between 18-30 years.

 For leaders, who can be of any age 18+

 Youth who are open minded, care about nearby neighbourhood, local, regional, national and international communities and are sensitive to human right issues.

- You have to completely vaccinated for at least 14 days to Participate on this programme.


Application Deadline: 31 January 2022

Arrival Day: 25th April 2022

Programme: A total 8 full days from 26th April to 3rd May 2022

Departure Day: 4 May 2022

Days allowed to stay in UK: If you want to discover UK for max 6 days before or after the YE, you can do it after or before the project, but you will cover costs of travelling expenses and you have to find your own accommodation.

How to Apply

Fill in the application form available here

- If you need support you can contact the partner organisation from the list below. - United Kingdom


Iceland Pearl - Iceland


SOS Europa - Italy


Inovatyvi Karta - Lithuania


Solidarity Mission - Greece


LaVibria Intercultural - Spain


Diyarbakir Cevre ve Kalkinma Dernegi - Turkey 


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