Open call for university students (bachelor's and master's) from all around the world to join Aalto Science Institute International summer research programme in Espoo, Finland. AScI international summer research programme offers high quality paid research internships for 60 positions in different apartments for 3 months.
About Aalto University
Aalto University is a postgraduate international university institution with students from more than 50 countries, located in Espoo, Finland. Three significant Finnish universities, the Helsinki University of Technology, the Helsinki School of Economics, and the University of Art and Design Helsinki, merged to form the new institution in 2010. The goal of the strong partnership between the business, scientific, and artistic groups is to promote multidisciplinary research and teaching.
About AScI international summer research programme
AScI is offering 60 positions in numerous fields within the school of Science, Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. The maximum duration of an ASci contract is 12 weeks, which is often employed for by AScI participants. It is recommended that the hosting department and you agree on the precise timing of the employment. Selected participants will engage with Aalto University's leading research groups, gain firsthand experience in topical research, and network in a global setting. Cultural and social activities enrich this unique summer experience in Finland. All positions are located on the Aalto University Otaniemi campus in Espoo, Finland. The list of the available position for the summer research programme are:-
- School of Science
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis
- Department of Applied Physics
- School of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Bio-products and Bio-systems
- Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation
- Department of Electronics and Nano-engineering
- Department of information and Communications Engineering
- School of Engineering
- Department of Built Environment
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
Activities for AScI summer researchers
- "Get to know Finland" course. This course is offered only in June.
- Regular lunch gathering
- Social, cultural and sports activities and day trips.
- ASCI poster exhibition. The participants will present to the Aalto community in mid- to late-August on their scientific results from their summer research.
Eligibility | Who can apply
- AScI international summer research programme is available for all the countries from all around the world;
- Applicants must be at least second/third year undergraduate students in a suitable field at a recognised university;
- Applicants must have an excellent academic record that is suitable for the proposed study project;
- Applicants must be with excellent level in English.
Financial conditions & Benefits
- Students will be employed as research assistants and will receive a sufficient salary to cover living costs, including accommodation.
- The minimum monthly salary is 1800 € for bachelor's students and higher for master's students. The exact amount is set based on experience and qualifications according to the salary system of Aalto University.
- Each student will receive a fixed travel bonus of 400 € for those inside Europe and 800 € for those outside Europe
- Selected summer researcher will get access to comprehensive documentation and AScI chat groups. This incudes info on visa, housing, and other info about moving to and living in Finland.
- Some housing options are provided directly through student housing organisations. An excellent choice is to sublet from students who are leaving for the summer.
- All of these issues are directly solved by AScI.
Application opens: 02January 2024
Application deadline: 29 January 2024
Student selection and interviews: February 2024
Invitation letters: mid March 2024
Internship, get to know Finland course: June-August 2024 (12 weeks)
How to apply ?
to apply you need to create an account on Aalto university from HERE, then you can fill your online application and upload the required documents.
More details
Before applying, check carefully all details on the Aalto Science Institute from HERE
For any general questions concerning the internships or the application process, contact the AScI summer research programme at For questions regarding a specific research project, please contact the nominated academic contact in the project description.