EUROFOUND Paid Traineeships 2024 in Dublin, Ireland (Fully Funded)

An excellent opportunity for recent university graduates from European Union countries to join the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND) traineeships in its headquarter in Dublin, Ireland for a period of 6 months which can be extended for up to a further 6 months. The trainees will receive a monthly grant and travel allowance for their travelling. If you are searching for the first hand experience in EU Agency or institution, then don't miss this chance and apply for EUROFOUND Traineeships 2024.

EUROFOUND Paid Traineeships 2024 in Dublin, Ireland (Fully Funded)


Eurofound, formally known as the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, is an agency of the European Union (EU) based in Dublin, Ireland. It was founded in 1975 and serves as a triple body, bringing together representatives of governments, employers, and workers from EU member states.

Eurofound offers insights, guidance, and specialised knowledge concerning employment conditions, sustainable work practices, industrial relations, shifts in the labor market, quality of life, and public services. Its objective is to assist EU institutions, Member States, and Social Partners in formulating and executing social and employment policies. Additionally, Eurofound endeavours to foster social dialogue by providing comparative information, conducting research, and analysing data.

About the Eurofound Traineeships

The traineeships at Eurofound is open to recent university graduates with an EU nationality. Eurofound is an equal opportunities employer. Traineeships will be offered on the basis that the candidate has the ability to participate to the extent necessary and will benefit from the experience.

The aims of the official in-service training with Eurofound are:

• To provide recent university graduates with an unparalleled and first hand experience of the workings of Eurofound within the wider European and Institutional context;

• To enable such trainees to obtain practical experience and knowledge of the day-today work of Eurofound;

• To provide the opportunity to work in a multi-cultural, multi-linguistic and multiethnic environment, contributing to the development of mutual understanding, trust and tolerance;

• To promote European integration within the spirit of new governance and - through active participation - to create awareness of true European citizenship;

On-Arrival Training

Upon your arrival at Eurofound, HR will give you an overview presentation of Eurofound, and you will get specific training relating to your tasks within your host unit. The whole traineeship is considered as being your on-the-job training. Apart from the core training mentioned above, spare places at in-house training courses can be offered to trainees in case of availability of places and in agreement with the Head of Unit and HR.

As the whole traineeship is considered a training experience, any further attendance to courses organised by HR or identified by the trainee or their host unit are an exception. A trainee may only attend these courses if they are absolutely necessary for the performance of their tasks at the Agency (for example, specific software or training on a specific agency procedure).

Eligibility | Who can apply?

Trainees are selected from nationals of the Member States of the European Union. 

Candidates must have completed the first cycle of a higher education course (university education) and obtained a full degree or its equivalent by the closing date for applications.

There is no official age limit for applying for a traineeship. However, the traineeship programme is aimed at recent university graduates and presents an opportunity to gain initial work experience

Candidates must have a very good knowledge of at least two EU languages, of which one should be English - the working language of Eurofound.

Applications will not be accepted from candidate who, for more than six weeks:

• have already benefited or benefit from any kind of in-service training (formal or informal, paid or unpaid) within a European institution, or

• who have had or have any kind of employment within a European institution or body, including anyone who is or has been an assistant to a Member of the European Parliament.

Expenses and Benefits

- Trainees will be awarded a monthly grant of 1,827 EUR. The amount of the grant is fixed by a Decision of the Executive Director. Your grant will be paid monthly, by the 15th day of the month.

- The travel from the trainee’s place of origin to Dublin and return ticket will be reimbursed by Eurofound on production of tickets and proof of payment, provided that the trainee has purchased the cheapest airfare possible.

- Trainees who have completed the minimum required traineeship period of 6 months are entitled to receive a certificate specifying the dates of their training period and the department in which they were employed.

- Sickness insurance is mandatory. Trainees are expected to arrange their own sickness insurance, or to be holders of a valid European Health Card.

- Upon presentation of the proper justification, disabled trainees may receive a supplement to their grant equal to a maximum of 50% of the amount of the grant. The Head of HR may consult the medical advisor to Eurofound if necessary.  

Duration of the Traineeship

The standard traineeship is for a duration of 6 months which may be extended for up to a further 6 months, if mutually agreed and for strong business reasons. A further second extension is not allowed.


Application deadline: 20 April 2024

suggested time for starting the training: June 2024

How to apply?

Step 1: Register an account on Eurofound website from HERE

Step 2: Check the conditions and the click "Apply" from HERE

More details

for more details about Eurofound Traineeships, check the Eurofound website from HERE

Apply Now

By applying to this traineeship, you take responsibility and risks. Inform yourself about the regulation and potential risks. "Opportunity 4U" cannot be held liable for any of the potential risks, and this post is only for informative and popularising purposes.

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