A short term volunteering opportunity with Kora association in Norcia, Italy.one of the towns that was hit most heavily by the 2016 earthquake. The project will involve approximately 20 volunteers from EU countries.
About Kora
Kora association was founded in 2015 in the Umbrian region, to promote sustainable livelihoods and social inclusion among young people. Kora runs several types of projects, hosts volunteers and helps engage local and international youth in educational paths.
Project Activities
- The volunteers will work 35 hours / week, with two consecutive free days per week. Volunteers will primarily support one of the following activities:
- Activities with children, teens and seniors: English language courses, outdoor activities, art workshops, sports,....
- Workshops with people with intellectual disabilities on arts and crafts and physical activity
- Logistical support during evening public events for the local community (concerts, theater performances ...): preparing the arena, and making sure the audience respects the COVID restrictions related to physical distance
- Interviews with locals and creating audio and video content about their experiences with the earthquake and COVID, their daily life challenges, and motivation.
- Volunteers can also participate in various activities if they wish, but it is important to provide continuity, both for beneficiaries to establish relationships and for volunteers to develop skills.
Finance and Benefits
- The volunteers will be accommodated in a container house, with shared rooms of 3/4 people.
- The volunteers will receive a cash allowance for food every two weeks to buy lunch from local stores or supermarkets.
- Breakfast will be served by Kora association and dinner will be taken together at a local restaurant.
- Volunteers will receive health insurance and pocket money (150 euros per month).
- Travel expenses will be refunded up to 360 euro depends on the distance between your current place and Norcia, Italy.
A total of 2 months from 5/7/2021 to 2/9/2021
- Aged between 18 - 30 years old.
- Be a resident in EU member country.
- Available for the whole duration of the project.
- Have a basic level in English language.
- Basic / good level in Italian will be appreciated even if not necessary.
- Experience with children / youth / persons with disabilities, organizing events, teaching English, and journalism.
On arrival training and quarantine
Volunteers will spend their first week in quarantine in Fattoria Scuola La Buona Terra, a farm in the countryside, where Associazione Kora is based.
During the quarantine, volunteers will take part in an on-arrival training about Italian language, intercultural adaptation, community life, conflict management, sustainable living, and they will start planning the workshops for children and people with disabilities.
How to apply
1- Fill the online form on official page of the opportunity
2- Send your CV with picture to sve@associazionekora.it, writing “Application for Norcia” in the object of the mail.
For further details check the official link of the opportunity from here