Volunteer at EggenLend Community Centre in Austria with ESC (fully funded)

If you are passionate about organising events and seeking to increase the quality of life and preserve the environment, then this volunteering project will be amazing for you. This opportunity will be organised by WIKI - Stadtteilarbeit Eggenlend in Graz, Austria with co-financing by European Solidarity Corps.

Volunteer at EggenLend Community Centre in Austria with ESC (fully finded)

About Volunteering Project

"Live sustainability and strengthen neighbourhood" is the motto of Community Centre EggenLend in Graz, Austria. Eggenlend Centre is a welcoming place for everyone, Also a space for information, exchange of ideas, Participation and community. The centre's workers seek to increase the quality of life, develop social networks, and enhance the role of youth in civic participation to serve the city. Volunteers can participate in many activities organised by Community Centre Eggenlend as follows:-

- Taking care of free-of-charge shop of the centre.

- Promote cycling culture.

- Organise game events, sport events and other events.

- Promote for culture of food sharing and the zero waste initiatives.

- Organise and promote community events and seminars within the city.

You will get in touch with people from different backgrounds and of different generations, and take actions in sustainability projects, such as Free-of-charge shop, open book shelves, and others. you can get more info about city centre Eggenlend form their Facebook page here.

About Graz

Graz, or the small castle as the Romans called it in the old days, is a beautiful city located on the banks of the Moor River in southeastern Austria. It is the second largest city in Austria after the capital Vienna, two and a half hours from the south of Vienna. Also is considered an educational city, with universities and more than 40,000 students. The most famous sights in Graz are Eggenberg Palace, Mur Island, Castle Hill, The Styrian Armoury and University of Graz.

Finance and Benefits

- The volunteers will live in a student's dormitory.

- Each volunteer will receive monthly pocket money.

- Each volunteer will receive monthly food allowance.

- You will get a bike to move from dormitory to workplace.

- You will be able to attend German language course.

- A volunteer will attend d On-Arrival and Mid-term training, organised by a national agency in Austria.

- On going support will be offered at a workplace.


- Your age between 18 - 30 years old.

- You are a resident in in the EU Member States or one of the following countries: • North Macedonia and Turkey • Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway • Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia • Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine • Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia • Russian Federation

- Be open-minded, sensitive to different cultures, communicative and organised.

- You should be organised and helpful with simple tasks such as sorting clothes and other donations.

- Basic knowledge of German and other languages is an advantage.

Project Duration

A total of 40 weeks from March 2022 to February 2023

How to Apply?

1- Register in European Youth Portal if you don't have an account from here

2- Sign in to your account and upload your CV

3- Get your PRN from your account on European Youth portal.

4- You should have Sending organisation in Your country, If you haven't you can search for hosting organisation from here

5 - Prepare your Motivation letter

6- Send your CV and Motivation letter in English or German with a subject "Eggenlend" to esc@logo.at

7- Fill the Application form here


you should send your CV, Motivation letter and submit Application form before 30/01/2022

For more details check the official link from here and on European youth portal from here

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